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6个小技巧翻倍英语学习效果 遇到困难不再胆怯

【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-08-27




1. Find a Suitable Environment


An environment creates atmosphere, and an atmosphere changes the world from one end to the other —including our learning experience. That’s not to say that there’s only one ideal environment that is considered the best for learning. We all respond to each environment differently, for the better or the worse.



2. Write it Down


You have been reading through the material, over and over again, for over 45 minutes, when finally you say “Oh! I think I got it!”.


You ponder on whether you should write it down for yourself, and then you finally conclude: “It’s okay, there’s no way I can forget it now…!”. And with that, you flip the page and continue onto the next subject.


The next morning you wake up and get ready to head out to class. The exam is handed to you and your eyes land on a single question —the one you were preparing for yesterday. You scratch your head and realize…nothing. Everything is gone. So you attempt an answer and hope for the best.


It happens to us all, and there’s one conclusion that can be made. If you want to learn faster, to memorize a concept without going through the material over and over again, you should write down notes of what you just learned, preferably by hand. When you do that, this gives your brain a chance to rehearse what you just learned and help it really sink in.



3. Association of Ideas


In order to learn, particularly something long and complicated, you are always advised to use every tool at your disposal. One of these tools is Mental Associations. All you have to do is to link new gathered information to information that you already have.


For example, if you consider red an “urgent”or “important”color, you can mark new information that you consider critical with it in your mind. Another example would be to use rhymes for memorizing or even creating a chronological story in your mind. The more you practice, the better you will be at it, making it easier for you to learn new information.



4.Read…A Lot


It is not strange that a person who reads on a regular basis will also be quicker to read through and understand difficult material than a person who doesn’t share that same habit. The reason for it is that the more you read, the easier it is for you to absorb written information.



5.Make Practical Use of What You Learn


Like everything in life, you do not truly know something until you put it to practical work. You can’t be a doctor just by going through the books, no matter how many times you do it. Want to master the German language? Go live in Germany for a year and communicate with locals using only your rusty German.


In order to truly learn something, you will always need to go out there and utilize that new absorbed information.



6.Learn in a Way That Works For You


There are several ways of learning, or to be more exact, several learning modalities. They go by visual, auditory, reading/writing, and tactile learning. Each of us is more comfortable with some over the others.


Visual learners will prefer visual presentations of the material, either in the form of graphs, pictures, or watching demonstrations.


Auditory learners will prefer lectures, audiobooks, podcasts, and even interviews.


Reading/Writing learners will prefer to read the information and write down notes for themselves.


Tactile learners will learn best from practicing the material with their own hands.


Adjust yourself to one of these learning modalities and you will find a vast improvement in your progress.




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