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当前位置:家教网首页 > 兰州家教网 > 外语学习 > 英语热词:“奶奶企业家”来了 granpreneurs

英语热词:“奶奶企业家”来了 granpreneurs

【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-01-29


First we had mumpreneurs - the women raising children while also setting up thriving businesses from their kitchen tables.


And now we have so-called "granpreneurs" who are breaking the "silver ceiling" and taking the business world by storm. They are a generation of spirited, vivacious and entrepreneurial grannies, ripping up the rule book and eschewing steady retirement in order to launch successful businesses.


Historically, the over-50s have had fewer entrepreneurs. But according to the UK Global Entrepreneurship Monitor report published by Aston University Business School in July 2014, 6.5 per cent of over-50s are starting businesses - the same percentage as 18 to 49-year-olds - for the first time.


They may have had a long career in employment, but when retirement looms they think: "Hang on, I want to do something I'm passionate about now," and many devise business plans to become their own boss.




  1. 巴教员 大连外国语大学 财务管理(英语专业)
  2. 李教员 甘肃农业大学 英语专业
  3. 陈教员 西南大学 自动化
  4. 蒋教员 沈阳药科大学 化学
  5. 周教员 兰州大学 音乐表演
  6. 周教员 兰州大学 计算机技术
  7. 夏教员 兰州大学 人工智能
  8. 刘教员 北京科技大学 智能制造工程
  9. 康教员 华东政法大学 司法会计